We Want You To Thrive

It’s a tricky time to be a business leader. Workers face burnout and de-motivation at record rates. Peers aren’t collaborating as a cohesive unit, nor are they incentivized to. There’s disconnection from purpose, and a relentless push towards reactive mode and spreading our resources way too thin – not focusing on the things that matter in the long run.

We can no longer hide from the effects of this. Good.

ThriveLab helps you create a workplace that people want to be a part of. And one that delivers on its mission as a result.

Is This You?

We have a lot of ways to help. We also know that it’s really tempting to throw a great solution at the wrong problem. This never works well. So we focus first on understanding the problem. These are the most prominent problems our clients need to solve first:

Gambling Growth

Getting blinder-focused on the next quarter, fighting fires, or overextending resources because leadership doesn’t have a clear strategic plan for the next 5 years, nor how to get there

Fragmented Leadership

There is a new leader, a lack of cohesive direction, or leaders are challenged in fostering unity and effectiveness

Team Disengagement

Individuals are showing up burned out, unmotivated, and putting in enough to keep their jobs, but there’s a general sentiment of “meh”

See your organization in one or more of these?

We Do Things Different

Our clients love it

Welcome To ThriveLab

There is a subtle revolution happening in American businesses. Organizations that adapt will be heralded as the visionaries in 20 years. Those that don’t, aren’t likely to thrive. We exist to help you adapt to the revolution. 

Here’s what it takes. You probably already resonate with these. If so, let’s talk. If not, we may not be the right fit for you. That’s ok.

  • People need purpose. We want to find it in our work. Organizations have to connect their people with something bigger than just making money.
  • Teams and leaders want harmony. It sounds obvious, sure. But when you see the number of cultures that reward silos and competition over collaboration, it’s evident we aren’t practicing the obvious.
  • Leadership must provide clear vision and direction. No more hiding behind vague, safe answers or short term goals pointed at the next shareholder meeting. When we confidently know where the long journey leads, people are inspired to follow us.
  • Decisions are best made by those closest to them. Build a framework that informs and cultivates responsibility for making the best choice, and then give autonomy to individuals who can make the choice most effectively.
  • Everyone is allowed to be different. And that’s wonderful. It’s time to move beyond mono-culture or forced DEI initiatives, to actually inviting every single person in our workplaces to stop cutting off parts of who they are when they come into work.

Our approach redirects how you face these shifts so you’re in flow with them instead of fighting against them. We balance fun with focus – knowing that we all create better when we’re in a mindset of enjoyment, and that business outcomes are inevitable when the people delivering them are in alignment.


We blend the principles of human-centered design, inquiry-led listening, and emotional wellness into every experience we deliver. We provide:

Engaging, outcome-focused facilitations 

Transformative one-on-one coaching

Measurable, action-driven consultation

Perspective-shifting thought leadership

Compelling, interactive keynotes and presentations

We send out regular content that helps you grow as a leader. And sometimes we just offer new ideas to explore or think about together.